Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Land of Apples

If only life could be like the Garden of Eden, pre-apple tasting. I'm usually chipper about my students' potential, but more days like today and I think I'm going to officially migrate over to the jaded teacher's lounge. 

Today went horribly because...
A. How are we supposed to have a friggin' debate when kids don't do their friggin' homework of making debate notes?!

B.  As a punishment and mostly out of pure fury, I quickly zapped those who chose not to do their homework with  lunch detention. Steve decided to mutter under his breadth, "Racist", where upon I did the 360 degrees Exorcist head turn. 

C. During lunch detention, about half of the kids gave me pure, unadulterated attitude as if I was somehow responsible for they're not doing their homework. How dare I make them pay a consequence for their actions!

Bottom line is that I'm just exhausted. They brought out the worst in me today. Though it started with good intentions, I ultimately punished them because I felt angry and I wanted them to feel the disappointment that I was feeling. Why is it so hard to communicate that I care?

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