Friday, September 17, 2010

1st Week Status Report

Can I tell you a secret?

Could you lean in closer~

A bit more...

I really like my classes so far.

But if you tell them I will kill you.

Truth be told, I don't think it's even because of the students themselves. A History teacher in my team shared that it seems like every year the faces change but the kids are the same. I know what he means. But I like how it feels like I've picked up from right where I left off. And the first thing that I return to teaching are the classroom rules.

My lovely, wonderful rules that overlook my class like an omniscient being.

And behind every great rule stands a consequence. These two were meant to be...

Here is the name board where the rule breakers go to publicly post their sins:

Finally, there are the students' favorite part of following the rules, the rewarding PAT (Preferred Activity Time)

(I'll reward the Periods with 2 extra PAT minutes if they take out their supplies in less than a minute, or arrange their desks into group formation in less than a minute, etc.)

A student thanked me after our first PAT game time, saying "I've been looking forward to this ALL week Ms. Won".

You're welcome sweet female student, but really, thank the rules, not me.


  1. nice rules and consequences posters. except i totally like the consequences poster better. hahaha

  2. how is the PAT working out?
