Sometimes, I find myself relating to a CEO of a major corporation.
Except that I don't make millions of dollars.
I also don't have much power.
And I'm not even a Republican.
Ok, maybe I'm more like the manager of a mom & pop joint in a no-name small town rather than an entrepreneurial mogul. Anyhow, any executive position upholds the same ideals-find ways to make your business thrive, manage all employees effectively to generate the most revenue, and make executive decisions, even if they go against status quo.
The problem is that I'm finding myself fretting over the smallest decisions. Should I use Lucinda Grand or Comic Sans for the worksheet title? Do I have the students face north or east when pairing up with a partner?
These are the nonsensical stresses that riddle my already fragile mind.
The more I think about it, a CEO is a horrible example.
I'm aiming to become more of a coach...
and less of a trembling Chihuahua.