There are so many moments in a day, most of them passing by like the debris in a goldminer's pan. It's often the smallest, seeming insignificant specks that ends up staying and turning out to be a glint of gold.
I was snaking in between rows of students' desks, stamping their homework, when I noticed this displayed on the front a student's binder:

I giggled upon reading this and couldn't stop myself from nerdily stating, "That's a metpahor."
As I walked away, my mind started drifting and I computed:

cupcakes = sweets
cupcakes > muffins = metaphors
and thereby
A riddle game with metaphors and similes! I'll call it Sweet Treats! (The name of the game needs some work if anyone has ideas).
By the time I reached my desk I had envisioned:
1. Paper bags filled with different candies- starbursts, mini reese's cups, lemonheads, airhead, etc.
2. Students partnering up and being handed a paper bag with a sweet treat inside. Students making a poster with 3 similes and 3 metaphors about the mystery treat, illustrating it as well.
3. Then presenting their posters to the class and the class guessing the treat solely based on the 6 given similes and metaphors. For every mystery treat the class guesses, the class earning a point. And by the end of the day, the class that has earned the most points winning ALL of the treats in the paper bags.
That means this Friday's P.A.T. is covered. The kids will be happy and learning, there'll be a great prize giveaway, and it's all thanks to a sticker on a student's binder.
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