Sunday, November 14, 2010

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

Before, this lesson was just an idea.

After a long trip to the grocery trip where I picked up 17 different types of candy and shoved them into paper bags labeled as "Mystery Bags", it become a day's lesson. Here are their finished posters with 3 similes and 3 metaphors about their mystery treats...

Mystery Treat Reese's peanut butter cup

Mystery Treat: Chocolate gold coins

Mystery Treat: Lifesaver gummies

Verdict: This lesson was much too short to impart any deep meaning upon students. Like all quickies, it just wasn't worth all the trouble.

I should've gone thorough review of similes and metaphors before giving students any supplies. Also should've given students a rubric to check their poster for correct similes and metaphors.

That would've helped students correct their mistakes instead of sheepishly presenting their posters while other students noted the mistakes.

It could've been better. Next year.

1 comment:

  1. All the Woulda-Coulda-Shouldas
    Layin' in the sun,
    Talkin' bout the things
    They woulda-coulda-shoulda done...
    But those Woulda-Coulda-Shouldas
    All ran away and hid
    From one little did.

    good seein you today...

