Do you know when you've reached the lowest point? I'm talking about the dark floor of a cynical, seemingly never-ending abyss of a pit. It's when you let a 12 year old get the best of you.
An mortifying snapshot of my day consisted of me glaring at a student, arms flailing threateningly, while saying, "Don't be a coward! If you have something to say, then say it to my face!!!" Needless to say, I've reached a breaking point with this particular student and the intentionally audible muttering under his breath was the last straw.
As I felt the surge of anger charging the very ends of my arm hair, I couldn't help but wonder, "What the heck am I doing?" He's t-w-e-l-v-e. On top of that, he just spent the last minute arguing with me on how he thinks he's stupid but I don't. He's pocked with insecurity, rattled by anger, and hiding under a false armor of bravado. And there I am stooping to right where he wants me: livid, close-minded, and vengeful.
I just don't know whether my weapon of choice should be my heart or my brain when facing another battle day on Monday. I really just don't know.
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