Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Most wonderful time of the year~

When I was a young girl, I would dream of having the Christmas that I saw in the movies, read in stories, and heard about in carols.

My fantasy Christmas involved living in the same affluent neighborhood as Kevin from "Home Alone" with pretty lights trimmed around my house.

Of course there would be a wreath hung on the door, welcoming old and new friends.

And once you step inside, there'd be a cozy fireplace filling the room with warmth while outside, a snowstorm waged its war.

A lot of the things I "do for the students" are really just for my own pleasure. Armed with construction paper and purchases from the 99 cent store, anything is possible. Have a wonderful holiday season everyone!


  1. this is marvelous! :) love the creativity you infused in your decorations. esp with purchases from the 99 cent store! Truly a underrated place. :) bravo!

  2. i see the thief has not returned the stockings yet... hahaha
