I internally cringe whenever I catch myself starting a sentence by purring, "Girl...".I was confused about how to pronounce Tupac's name for the longest time.I could never pull off a white T-shirt with my name emblazened on it in with spray paint.
So why is it that I love the show, Pimp My Ride?
From the theme song, to Xhibit's commentary, and the mad upgrades those cars come tricked out with, I just love it! Turns out that the show is actually going to help me teach because I could improve my students' revision process with my own activity dubbed Pimp My Write!

I stole this idea from Kelly Gallagher's book, Teaching Young Adolescents How to Write. You can teach students the different between surface and deep revision by using the show as a framework:
1. Discuss the surface-level vs. deep-level improvements as seen on Pimp My Ride:Surface-Level Deep-LevelA new paint job Putting a more powerful engineReplacing tires Outfitting the car with hydraulicsReupholstering Inserting a movie projection system2. Then introduce the concept of surface-level vs. deep-level revision.Surface-Level Deep-LevelChanging a Changing the-word -thesis-phrase -purpose of the essay-sentence -organization of paragraphs
Fusing car remodeling with writing revision is a fun way to make dorky old revision seem cooler and slightly ghetto. And let's face it, who doesn't want to be appear ghetto?
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