Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kaye Umansky, a children's writer/former teacher says,

"Because I know the power of reading aloud, I tend to base my sessions on that. I read out my daftest poems and extracts from my novels. I  regale them with silly songs,  sometimes quite loudly. I suspect that some people may find me annoying. But the fact is, I just want the kids to go home smiling."

What a rock star! 

Thursday, May 14, 2009

0 strikes 0 balls

Mass layoffs, larger class sizes, budget crisis...LAUSD better hope that all publicity is good publicity. I found out on Monday that we teachers weren't going to take any more of this injustice. We would have to tear ourselves from our students for one day to fight for our rights. We'd change the world with our violent picketing amidst long draughts of Starbucks coffee. What?! Miss a day of school for one hour of leisurely walking in a circle and a whole day off afterwards...fine. Sigh.

So when it was announced through the PA speakers that Friday's strike was cancelled, there were interesting interjections made by disappointed teachers throughout the school.

"But I made a dentist's appointment!"

"We were all going for breakfast afterwards!!!"

"I was going to have tea!"

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thought editing

Middle schoolers are truly a breed of their own. Though equipped with a quickly developing brain with rapidly firing synapses, they yet lack the vocabulary to express the grand ideas in their minds. Here a couple of attempts of them trying to add their 2 cents to a debate about the effects that TV has on children. If only I can revise their thoughts…

“TMZ can put words and body language into a celebrity’s mouth.”- Marlena
Translation: Not everything shown on TV is reliable and questionable editing oftentimes distorts the truth.

“Dora the explorer is a five year old who picks up a paper with a clue and she just picks up and leaves. That ain’t right.”-Alfred
Translation: Even a supposedly educational show like Dora the Explorer has the possibility of setting the wrong example for susceptible young viewers.

“TV can show nasty stuff that’s REALLY bad for teens to watch. Especially boys, you know.”-Bea
Yeah, I know Bea. I know.